Rig move services

Rig & FPSO Move Services

Maritime Consulting present as TOW Master during Hook up operation of "BWO Adolo" offshore Gabon

Maritime Consulting  AS provides a variety of marine services related to moving all types of floating units with primary focus on FPSO, Jack-Up rigs and  Semisubmersible rigs.

Maritime Consulting AS provide Tow Master and Marine representatives for a range of rig move services on a global basis.

Our services include:

  • Offshore attendances for Rig Moves
  • Suitability surveys and MWS approval of tow vessels
  • Provision of Tow Masters Rig and FPSO
  • Creation & Review of rig move procedures, towage plans.
  • MWS attendance at rig move meetings and risk assessments.
  • MWS attendance for dry transportations (float on / float off operations).
  • Client Marine Representation